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香港课程(国际部)入学申请须知 2024-2025学年
2024-06-03 原创



深圳香港培僑書院龍華信義學校(培僑信義學校)創立於2021年,位於深圳市龍華區深圳北站樞紐西北側,學校總占地面積約4.5萬平方米,總建築面積約18萬平方米,是粵港澳大灣區第一所深港教育直接融合的示範學校。學校已獲劍橋國際考評部及培生愛德思官方認證,成為雙機構授權的A Level國際課程學校(學校全球代碼分別為CX221和95430),通過英國北方大學聯盟審核,獲得國際預科IFY課程的授權(全球認證學校代碼SC0084),並獲得愛丁堡公爵國際獎獎項中心認證(AC0197)。



培僑信義學校提供香港課程和內地課程,並在香港課程中設立了國際部。在9至12年級階段,國際部以IGCSE和A Level為核心課程,並與DSE教學團隊合作開發校內課程。培僑信義學校通過全球招聘,選拔了一批學術背景優秀、教學經驗豐富,教學成果突出的資深教師。國際課程部中,80%以上教師具有博士、碩士學位,其中多位教師畢業於哈佛大學、劍橋大學、帝國理工大學、加州大學、倫敦大學學院、香港大學、新加坡國立大學等世界頂尖大學;80%以上的教師有海外留學或任教的經歷,國際部中外教師比例為2:1。




01 多元升學,靈活銜接  


02 分層教學,因材施教  


03 升學指導,全程跟蹤  


04 拔萃計劃,問鼎名校  


05 走出校園,擁抱世界  


06 未來領袖,初現光芒  

我校注重學生的領導力和團隊協作能力,學校設有多個學生組織,如學生會,四社,課程大使等,給予學生廣闊的舞臺。通過組織與協調學校的大型活動如中華文化日,學科播客等,學生們充分發揮個人創意與能力,更有信心地面對與解決問題,展示領導才能。此外爲豐富學生們的校園生活,學校現有30多個社團,涵蓋藝術、運動、學術、公益、創新等不同領域,由學生主導策劃與運營,如F.A.S.T 急救學會,文學紀錄片解讀學會,法語學會,拳擊及功夫學會,電影學會,桌遊學會,CTB中國大智慧論壇學會,搖滾交流學會,烘焙學會,梧桐書畫社,西語國家國情文化學會,烹飪學會,深培辯論隊,繪畫競賽隊,創意寫作隊,經濟學奧林匹克競賽隊等。

















01 招生對象




02 選拔標準



03 申請流程











04 上傳所需文檔








05 2024-2025學年收費標準


國際課程學費:人民幣 143000元/年; 

國際課程學生統一參加住宿,住宿費人民幣 13400元/年,餐費人民幣12800元/年。


International Curriculum Admission Application Guideline
Academic Year 2024-2025

School Overview

Shenzhen Hong Kong Pui Kiu College Longhua Xinyi School (PKXYS) was founded in 2021. It is located on the northwest side of the Shenzhen North Station in Longhua District, Shenzhen. The total area of the school is approximately 45,000 square meters, with a total construction area of about 180,000 square meters. It is the first school in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to directly integrate Shenzhen and Hong Kong education systems. Accredited by both the Cambridge International Education and Pearson Edexcel, our school is an authorized A Level international school (School Codes CX221 and 95430, respectively). The school is accredited by the Northern Consortium UK for the International Foundation Year (IFY) program (School Code: SC0084) and is recognized as the Duke of Edinburgh International Award Center (Center Code: AC0197).


International Curriculum in Secondary Section

PKXYS offers both Hong Kong curriculum and mainland curriculum, and has established an International curriculum within the Hong Kong curriculum. The International Department offers IGCSE and A Level as the core curriculum for Grade 9-12, and works with the DSE teaching team to develop the school-based curriculum. PKXYS has recruited a number of extraordinary teachers with excellent academic backgrounds, rich teaching experience and outstanding teaching results. In international curriculum, 80% of the teachers have doctor's or master's degrees, and many of them have graduated from Harvard University, Cambridge University, Imperial College of Science and Technology, the University of California, the University of London, the University of Hong Kong, the National University of Singapore and other top universities in the world. More than 80% of the teachers have overseas study or teaching experience, and the ratio of bilingual and foreign teachers in the International Department is 2:1.




01 Features01Flexibility through Diversified Curricula   

In Grade 9-12, students have the opportunity to transfer to different curriculum in the school according to their performance in each grade, so as to meet their individual needs for further studies. When applying for undergraduate universities, students have a wide range of choices, such as overseas universities in the United Kingdom, the United States, Singapore, Canada, etc., and universities in Hong Kong or the Mainland of China. This curriculum framework provides students with a wider scope of learning and further studies.

02 Group Teaching in Line with the Students’ Aabilities

The International Curriculum adopts group teaching based on each student's overall academic abilities, and has set up after-school classes for students to develop their talents and provide them with small group tutoring. The Gifted Classes are designed to develop students' abilities in specific areas, provide students with more in-depth and specialised learning resources, and help students prepare for international competitions. The Enrichment Classes are designed to help students strengthen their basic knowledge in the subject, so that students can better adapt to the requirements of the international curriculum. Through group teaching in line with the students’abilities, the school strives to provide each student with the most suitable learning environment and resources to help them achieve maximum development.

03 College Counselling Available at All Stages   

Once a student joins international curriculum, he/she will be guided at all stages by a designated college counselling teacher. The teacher will communicate with students and parents on one-on-one basis about academic English, subject studies,  and personal growth, which will be recorded in the personal file. Therefore each student is provided with customized service of professional and systematic guidance on overseas education application and career planning. Meanwhile, college counselling classes are held weekly for students to systematically understand the knowledge of professional options and further education. Gradually students will set their goals, plan better for the future, and improve their competence. In addition, PKXYS regularly organises university fairs, inviting admission officers and representatives from top universities in the UK, US, Hong Kong and Macau for face-to-face conmunication with students, providing first-hand information.

04 Academic Mentorship Programmes for Top Students  

Based on the belief in “Nurture Brilliant Generations”, Academic Mentorship Programme is designed for top students with outstanding academic abilities. Each top student is guided by an experienced subject mentor in their academic fields. The academic mentors provide constant guidance as friends and have regular discussions with students, helping students expand and improve their academic skills. Meanwhile, the top students are provided with training preparation for admission tests and interviews of the world's most prestigious schools, such as University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, and Ivy League universities in U.S..

05 Embrace the World beyond the Campus   

Our school attaches great importance to the practical skills of students and encourages students to explore their academic interests and professional applications in various aspects. PKXYS collaborates with universities, enterprises, research laboratories and etc., integrating industry, education and research. Therefore the students are provided with expert lectures, enterprise visits, research projects and other extracurricular learning opportunities. Also, students use The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award to keep a record of their personal growth and achievements, which enhances students' practical ability, accumulates relevant scientific research and practical experiences, and enables students better prepare for the future professional development.

06 Cultivate Future Leaders  

PKXYS places emphasis on developing students’ leadership and teamwork spirit. The school has a number of student organizations, such as the Student Council, the Four Houses, and Student Ambassadors, which offer students a wide range of platforms. By organizing and coordinating major school events such as Chinese Culture Day and subject podcasts, students’creativity and abilities are developed. They hold more confidence in facing and solving problems, as well as demonstrate their leadership skills. In addition, to enrich the campus life of our students, there are more than 30 clubs in the school, covering different fields such as arts, sports, academics, public welfare, and innovation, which are planned and organized by students, such as F.A.S.T. First Aid Club, Literary Documentary Interpretation Club, French Club, Boxing and Kung Fu Club, Movie Club, Board Game Club, CTB Global Youth Research and Innovation Conference, Rock Club, Baking Club, Sycamore Calligraphy and Painting Club, News and Cultures of Spanish Speaking Countries, Culinary Club, Debate Team, Art Competition, Creative Writing Team, Economics Olympiad Team, etc.

Awards in Competitions

In recent years, PKXYS students have made great achievements in major international competitions on math, science and economics field. In 2023-2024 academic year, our students participated in more than 30 international competitions, in which they received 34 global gold medals, 278 international and national awards, 357 academic awards, and many team awards.


British Physics Olympiad



The Junior Canadian Chemistry Olympiad



American Mathematics Competitions



Intermediate Biology Olympiad



01 Targeted Applicants

Students with Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan Identification or with foreign nationality: 2023-2024 Grade 8 to 12 student.

Students of Mainland Identification: 2023-2024 Grade 9 to 12 student.


02 Enrollment Standard



03 Application Process

(1) Applicants intended to enrol in our programmes must complete the online application through the school's admission system.

Registration Link:


Please copy and paste the above link into your browser. 


(2) The application period is from 27 May 2024 to 16 June 2024.

Parents are required to complete the online application form. Upon confirmation, applicants will be invited to attend the written tests.

At 6:00 p.m, 21 June 2024, the school will release the arrangement of the written tests to be held on 29 June 2024. Parents should use the child's ‘Candidate Number’ to log in for the information.

The results of the written tests will be released on 4 July. Students who have passed the tests will be invited to attend an interview with the parents on 6 July.

Interview results will be released on 10 July, and the registration of new students will be held on 16 July.

04 Documents required to be uploaded

(It may take about 30 mins, please reserve enough time for registration)

(1) A recent colour photo of the student

(2) Student's identity document

(3) Parent's identity document

(4) Copies of the final examination results for the last 3 years

(5) Academic Achievements (Optional): IELTS report, IGCSE and AS grade reports (if available), student's recommendation letter, proof of extracurricular activities, or copies of award certificates.


05 2024-2025 School Fees

(The fee may be adjusted in the coming academic years. )

International Curriculum Tuition Fees: RMB 143000 per year.

All international curriculum students are required to board. The boarding fee is RMB 13400 per year, and the meal fee is RMB 12800 per year.


2024-2025学年NCUK IFY国际课程招生简章


香港课程(国际部)入学申请须知 2024-2025学年








2024-2025 一年级至十年级入学申请须知(香港课程)




2023-2024 第二学期插班生入学申请须知 (香港课程)
