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2024-2025学年第二学期插班生入学申请须知 (香港&国际融合课程)
2024-10-17 原创








中國港澳台及外籍身份:現就讀九年級品行良好、學業成績及課外活動表現優異的港澳台及外籍學生均可申請入讀本校「國際融合課程」九年級 (DSE-IGCSE融合課程)。

內地籍:現就讀十年級品行良好、學業成績及課外活動表現優異的內地籍學生均可申請入讀本校「國際融合課程」九年級 (DSE-IGCSE融合課程)。




  • 有意報讀本校學位的申請人須經本校網上入學系統填妥報名表。

  • 申請期由 2024 年 10 月 16 日起至 2024 年 11 月 17 日止。

  • 由於 2024-2025 年度各級空缺相當有限,本校將於 2024 年 11 月 27 日 (星期三) 18:00時公佈評估安排,屆時請家長使用 貴子弟的「考生編號」登入本校網上申請系統查詢申請狀況。本校邀請部分合適的申請人出席 2024 年 12 月 7 日(星期六)的評估。申請者於申請期內只可申請一次;未獲邀出席入學評估的申請者,則可視作經已落選,有關申請資料將被銷毀。

  • 插班生入學的時間為 2025 年 2 月



  • 學生的彩色近照

  • 學生身份證明文件

  • 家長身份證明文件

  • 學生的期末成績表副本:
    申請二年級:請上載最近 1 年的期末成績表副本
    申請三年級:請上載最近 2 年的期末成績表副本
    申請四年級至九年級:請上載最近 3 年的期末成績表副本

  • 學習歷程:學生個人簡歷、學生推薦信、課外活動證明或獎項副本(如申請國際課程可額外提交:IGCSE與AS成績單(如有)、雅思成績單)

一年級至九年級:學業表現:30%;面試表現:40%;操行:20%;課外活動 / 服務:10% 


  • 學費
    小學:人民幣 59500元/學期,兩學期/年。

    初中(香港課程):人民幣 64000元/學期,兩學期/年。

    高中(香港課程):人民幣 69000元/學期,兩學期/年。

    初中(國際課程):人民幣 71500元/學期,兩學期/年。

    高中(國際課程):人民幣 71500元/學期,兩學期/年。

  • 住宿費用
    人民幣 6700 元/學期,兩學期/年。(中學生均需參加住宿)


  • 餐費
    小學:人民幣 2900 元/學期,兩學期/年。(午餐)
    中學:人民幣 6400 元/學期,兩學期/年。(包括早餐、午餐及晚餐)


七、 備註:
  · 嚴正聲明:深圳香港培僑書院龍華信義學校未委託任何個人和機構為深圳香港培僑書院龍華信義學校招生或推廣。
  · 經本申請表遞交的所有個人資料只會由本校相關員工處理,並予以保密。
  · 未能入讀的申請人的資料將於日後銷毀。

八、 查詢:
  如有查詢,請與本校校務處職員聯絡 ﹝電話號碼: (86) 0755-2813 1111 (轉 8000 / 8001 / 8002 / 8003 分機號) 或 電郵: info@puikiuxinyi.edu.hk﹞。



H2)由香港特區入境事務處簽發享有香港特區的居留權 / 入境權之證明文件

H3)中華人民共和國前往港澳通行證 (單程證)

H4)來港就業入境簽證 / 進入許可證

H5)受養人簽證 / 進入許可證 (未年滿18歳的學生)*獲香港特區入境事務處簽發受養人簽證 / 進入許可證時未年滿18歲的學生,均視為港人子弟。

H6)優秀人才入境計劃 (簽證 / 進入許可證)

H7)資本投資者入境計劃 (簽證 / 進入許可證)

H8)輸入中國籍香港永久居民第二代計劃 (簽證 / 進入許可證)

H9)無條件限制逗留 (簽證)



NH2)學生簽證 / 進入許可證

NH3)受養人簽證 / 進入許可證 (已年滿18歲的學生)*獲香港特區入境事務處簽發受養人簽證 / 進入許可證時已年滿18歲的學生









Notes for 2024-2025 Academic Year - 2nd Term Transfer Admission Application
(Hong Kong & International Integrated Curriculum)

1.Admission Eligibility

Hong Kong Curriculum

  • Grade 1:  Any child born on or before 31st December 2018 and fulfills the definition of “Hong Kong Children” with good character, excellent academic performance, and outstanding extracurricular achievement is eligible to apply for studying in G1 (Hong Kong Curriculum) of our school. For details, please refer to the “Definition of Hong Kong Children” as listed below.

  • Grade 2 to Grade 9: Any student that fulfills the definition of “Hong Kong Children” with good character, excellent academic performance, and outstanding extracurricular achievement is eligible to apply for studying in G2 to G9 (Hong Kong Curriculum) of our school. For details, please refer to the “Definition of Hong Kong Children” as listed below.


International Integrated Curriculum

  • Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and Foreign National Identities: Students who are currently in Grade 9, with good character, excellent academic performance, and outstanding extracurricular achievement, are eligible to apply for admission to the Grade 9 (DSE-IGCSE Integrated Programme).

  • Mainland of China Nationals: Students who are currently in Grade 10,  who with good character, excellent academic performance, and outstanding extracurricular achievement, are eligible to apply for admission to the Grade 9 (DSE-IGCSE Integrated Programme).

2.Application Process

  • Applicants who are interested in enrolling are required to apply online by completing the application form on our school website.

  • Application period starts from 16th October 2024 and ends on 17th November 2024.

  • Due to limited vacancies at all grades in the 2024-2025 academic year, the assessment arrangements will be announced on our school website on 27th November 2024 (Wednesday) after 18:00Parents are required to make use of the “Candidate Number”of your child in enquiring about the arrangements. The school will invite some suitable applicants to attend the 7th December 2024 (Saturday) assessment. Applicants may only apply once during the application period. Applicants who are not invited to attend the assessment will be considered unsuccessful and their application details will be destroyed.

  • The school term for transfer students begins in February 2025.

3.Upload the Required Documents: 

(The online registration takes about 30 minutes. Parents should prepare the soft copy of the following documents, reserve ample registration time, and upload them via our online application system.)

  • Student’s recent color photo

  • Identity Document(s) of student

  • Identity Document(s) of parentsIdentity Document(s) of parents

  • Copies of the student's year-end school reports:
    Applying for G1: No need to upload
    Applying for G2: Please upload the copies of year-end school reports for the most recent year
    Applying for G3: Please upload the copies of year-end school reports for the recent 2 years
    Applying for G4 to G9: Please upload the copies of year-end school reports for the recent 3 years

  • Learning portfolio: Student resume, Recommendation letters, records of extra-curricular activities or awards (If applying for the International Integrated curriculum, you may additionally submit: IGCSE and AS transcripts (if available), and an IELTS score report.)

4.Admission Criteria for Each Grade:
Grade 1-9: Academic Performance: 30%;Interview Performance: 40%;Conduct: 20%;Extra-curricular Activities / Service: 10%

5.Fees and Charges for the 2024-2025 academic year (An academic year has two terms, and all fees will be adjusted as necessary in subsequent academic years):

  • Tuition fee
    Primary: RMB 59,500/term, 2 terms/year.
    Junior Secondary (Hong Kong Curriculum): RMB 64,000/term, 2 terms/year.
    Senior Secondary (Hong Kong Curriculum): RMB 69,000/term, 2 terms/year.
    Junior Secondary (International Integrated Curriculum): RMB 71,500/term, 2 terms/year.
    Senior Secondary (International Integrated Curriculum): RMB 71,500/term, 2 terms/year.

  • Boarding fee
    RMB 6,700/term, 2 terms/year. (In principle, compulsory residential programme is offered to all secondary students)

  • Meal fee
    Primary: RMB 2,900/term, 2 terms/year. 
    Secondary (Junior and Senior): RMB 6,400/term, 2 terms/year.

6.The secondary section of our school adopts a boarding system, and all secondary students are required to board.

  ·This is a solemn declaration: Our School did not entrust any individuals and organisations with student recruitment or promotion.
  ·All personal data provided in the application form will be handled by relevant staff of our school. The data will be kept confidential.
  ·The personal data provided by unsuccessful applicants will be destroyed afterwards.

8.Admission Enquiry:
    For enquiries, please contact our General Office staff at Tel. No.: (86) 0755-2813 1111 (Ext. 8000 / 8001 / 8002 / 8003) or Email:info@puikiuxinyi.edu.hk.

The Definition of Hong Kong Children

(The student is a holder of the following documents issued by the Immigration Department of the HKSAR):
H1)HKID Card (Permanent)

H2)Documents issued by the Immigration Department of the HKSAR showing right to land / right of abode in Hong Kong

H3)One-way Permit for entry to Hong Kong

H4)Full-time employment visa / work permit

H5)Dependant visa / entry permit (for students who were below 18 years old)*Students holding dependant visa / entry permit who were below 18 years old when they were issued with such visa / entry permit by the Immigration Department of the HKSAR.

H6)Visa / Entry permit for Quality Migrant Admission Scheme

H7)Visa / Entry permit for Capital Investment Entrant Scheme

H8)Visa / Entry permit for Admission Scheme for the Second Generation of Chinese Hong Kong Permanent Residents

H9)Visa label for unconditional stay



The Definition of Non-Hong Kong Children

(The student is a holder of the following documents issued by the Immigration Department of the HKSAR):
NH1)Applicants who do not hold any of the documents in H1 – H9 listed in the box on left hand side are defined as Non-Hong Kong Children.

NH2)Student visa / entry permit

NH3)Dependant visa / entry permit (for students who were 18 years old or above)*Students holding dependant visa / entry permit who were 18 years old or above when they were issued with such visa / entry permit by the Immigration Department of the HKSAR.


Application Link:






2024-2025学年第二学期插班生入学申请须知 (香港&国际融合课程)


2024-2025学年NCUK IFY国际课程招生简章


香港课程(国际部)入学申请须知 2024-2025学年








2024-2025 一年级至十年级入学申请须知(香港课程)




2023-2024 第二学期插班生入学申请须知 (香港课程)
